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Congress Uses Pandemic Excuse to Waste Taxpayer Money
September 29, 2020
In the last six months, Eagle Forum has written many alerts and reports warning against Coronavirus stimulus packages. While Washington spends billions and trillions of dollars in every stimulus package, the national debt grows. Our legislators are failing our children and our children’s children. They will be the ones responsible for paying back this debt. 
It’s apparent that many Senators and Representatives forget to account for the unintentional consequences, like debt, of this spending, which is meant to provide immediate economic relief. This is poor legislating. Rather than continue to spend, our lawmakers should instead create incentives to jumpstart the economy through limited intervention, like cutting taxes and getting people back to work.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the plan of action. The House of Representatives plans to pass the HEROES 2.0 Act sometime this week.  House legislative COVID relief comes after the Senate passed their “slimmed-down” relief bill in September and as Speaker Nancy Pelosi said:
"It has been more than four months since House Democrats sent the GOP Senate $3.4 trillion in desperately needed coronavirus relief grounded in science and data, and Leader (Mitch) McConnell hit the pause button… In our negotiations with the White House since then, Democrats offered to come down a trillion dollars if Republicans would come up a trillion dollars. Then, we offered to come down $200 billion more, even as the health and economic crisis has worsened and the needs have only grown."

Time will only tell if the White House and Senate concede to more spending and the HEROES 2.0 becomes law.

If enacted, the legislation will provide payments of $1,200 per taxpayer and $500 per dependent, payout $600 in federal unemployment payments through January 2021, and $28 billion for the “procurement, distribution, and education campaigns” for a COVID-19 vaccine. Lastly, the legislation totals about $2.2 trillion dollars.

For these reasons, please join us in asking your Representative to vote NO on the HEROES 2.0 Act. Our nation simply cannot afford it. For more detailed information on the HEROES 2.0 Act, please see the one-pager here and the summary here.

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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