The Daily Politics
It's well-known that the Japanese have the longest life spans in the
And the people of Okinawa, in particular, are among the longest living
in all of Japan.
Presently, there are more than 400 centenarians (people over age 100)
living in Okinawa.
But the people of Okinawa don't just live longer. They live much
younger too.
They remain productive, active, and sharp as a tack well into their
90s. They look decades younger.
Even more remarkable, their arteries are impressively young and
clogless. They have strong bones. Hip fractures are extremely rare.
And memory concerns are almost non-existent.
So what's their secret?
The general scientific consensus is that nutrition is a huge factor in
their legendary energy and longevity. And what do they eat a lot of?
This impressive sea vegetable _provides all of the 56 minerals and
trace minerals your body needs to function_.
Kombu contains _20 times the minerals of land plants_, and a vast
storehouse of nutrients necessary for a healthy metabolism.
And in human studies, kombu has also been shown help _halt_ the
shortening of telomeres.
That's a good thing. Because we've come to find out that long
telomeres equals a longer life.
You see, your telomeres are the protective caps on your DNA that guard
your body from aging.
Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter.
The shorter they get, the faster you age.
And when they run down entirely, your cells stop dividing altogether.
They just die.
And this can reduce your lifespan.
But awesome kombu has been clinically shown to put the brakes on
shortening telomeres.
And it may be the #1 reason those 90-year-old Okinawans look and feel
30 years younger.
As an added bonus, sea vegetables like kombu are absolutely bursting
with energizing B-vitamins.
Plus, kombu is also rich in iodine which delivers perfect support for
your thyroid.
And a happy thyroid is critical for real, all-day energy.
Kombu is just one of 40 nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables you get
in Patriot Power Greens
[ [link removed] ],
a superfood drink that's helped many Americans to restore their
youthful vitality.
Something that's made their achy joints, bad knees and stiff muscles a
thing of the past for a great number of older Americans.
Something that helps them wake up each morning feeling fresh, full of
energy and ready to go all day.
Folks like these:
_"I started using Patriot Power Greens six weeks ago and love it. It
is so fresh and delicious tasting and I slim down every time."_ -
Charlotte B.
_"I love my Patriot Power Greens. I don't even need coffee in the
morning."_ - Claire
_"I had a complete physical and my cholesterol, blood pressure, and
platelet counts were all better."_ - John G.
"_I was getting more age spots on my hands. They're almost all
vanished."_ - Glenn F.
"_Blood sugar stabilized. Pounds gone. Feel great all day. Great
drink."_ - Pete W.
If you want to:
* _have a healthier, more natural, positive, and vibrantly active
life again_
* _preserve your precious independence_
* _stay sharp as a tack_
* _wake up each morning, no pain, feeling 30 to 40 years younger_
Then you're the perfect person to join the Patriot Power Greens
➡ All you have to do is get your supply today.
[ [link removed] ]
Linda S.
I love the greens. I have seen such a huge difference in my energy and
it's even helped me slim down. I am so pleased with my results and
can't wait to get the Double Strength when I run out of the regular.*
Elaine L.
Greens make a huge difference in my energy, aches and pains. Both me
and my husband take it. We both have bad joints and can tell a
difference if we miss it.*
Joseph E.
I cannot get enough of your Greens. I used to be so tired before
rehearsals, but these days I have so much more energy. I even lost
20lbs just because I have more energy. The band mates and my fans are
so very thankful. Cheers.*
Eleanor L.
Greens helped me with my digestion and has more energy by taking the
double strength Greens. I do not get as sleepy in the afternoon the
like I used to. My joint aches have ended and I'm 72 years old.*
James B.
I've been taking greens for a couple of months presently, and have had
some very good results. My joint problems have they seemed to
disappear and also my weight seems to be maintaining itself, I am very
pleased. My spouse and I both take it. What we like most about it is
that it supports our troops.*
➡ Get your supply today
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* Results may vary. Everyone's experience with this product is
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