Susie Lee is up against a crucial end-of-quarter deadline in just two days, and she needs our help now more than ever before.
National Republicans have already spent more than $2.4 million attacking Susie this cycle and now they’re lining up behind her right-wing Republican opponent, ex-pro wrestler Dan Rodimer.
The top GOP superPAC has reserved millions more in advertising space for the days leading up to the election -- and Trump just personally endorsed her opponent after GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared that if Trump wants to flip Nevada red, he’ll need to unseat Susie Lee.
This campaign is at a critical point, and the trajectory of this race depends on what we do right now. Can I count on you to make a donation to Susie’s campaign now before the end-of-quarter deadline?
Susie Lee is fighting hard to defend a battleground district in a battleground state.
Despite Trump winning this district in 2016, Susie won 2018 because Southern Nevadans can count on her to be a leading voice in Congress. She has held up her promises to expand access to health care, stand up for students, give our veterans the benefits they’ve earned, and protect our environment.
But as Trump zeroes in on winning Nevada to guarantee his reelection -- this cycle will be tougher than ever before. Election experts just shifted the rating for Nevada from “Likely Democrat” to “Lean Democrat” -- shifting in favor of Donald Trump and Susie’s opponent.
We can prove them wrong, by helping Susie win reelection in just a few weeks.
That starts with ensuring that she meets her final end-of-quarter goal before the votes are counted on November 3rd so her team has the resources to advertise, organize, and mobilize voters across the district. To keep Susie in Congress, please rush in a donation to Susie’s campaign today →
-- Nancy
Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives