Donald Trump and other politicians are trying to use this pandemic to keep everyday Americans from voting. They think letting every eligible voter be heard isn't in their political interest.
Friend, that’s despicable. You and I both know that no matter what our country is facing -- eligible voters have a right to safely cast their ballot, and know that their vote has been counted.
That’s why we’re calling on our senators to do what’s best for their constituents during this public health crisis -- and make sure voters who want to cast a mail-in ballot in November are able to.
Sign if you agree: The Senate must immediately step up for vote-by-mail -- by funding and protecting the USPS, expanding no-excuse absentee options wherever possible, and investing in our elections >>
Mail-in voting is a paper-based system that’s safe and accessible. It can easily be audited to ensure election results are correct -- and it has already been tested and proven secure in states across the country.
Long story short: vote-by-mail is safe, secure, and it works -- and it should be available to eligible voters during this pandemic.
But Republican legislators in states like Oklahoma and Texas refuse to make absentee voting more accessible. Their restrictions could pose insurmountable barriers for voters -- especially Black voters and other voters of color.
And Trump -- who cast a mail-in ballot in this year’s primary -- has tried to undermine vote-by-mail in every way he can. He has spread widely debunked lies about the reform... threatened state officials who promote vote-by-mail... and even targeted the Postal Service, as his hand-picked postmaster general tries to slow down mail delivery.
If you believe that Congress shouldn’t let Trump or anyone else strip us of our right to vote -- add your name now.
Friend, whether they want to vote early, by mail, or in-person on Election Day -- every voter should have options. And nobody should be disenfranchised by this pandemic.
I hope you’ll speak out today for voters everywhere.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
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