Fellow Conservative,
Our Finance Team sent you an important update yesterday. Did you see it?
After running the numbers this morning, we’re making progress but still behind.
We need to raise an additional $1,273 from supporters like you by 11:59 p.m. this Wednesday to fund our 30-Day Victory Drive.
Will you rush a $5, $10, $25, or $50 contribution to help us close the gap?
That’s why it’s ALL HANDS ON DECK in the Lone Star State!
Please respond today. We have less than 72 hours to go until this all-important end-of-quarter deadline, and we need EVERY supporter on board.
Donate $77 or more, and we’ll send you a SIGNED copy of Ted’s new book, One Seat Away.
- Team Cruz
From: Cruz Crew Finance Team Subject: ** Pres. Trump Nominates Amy Coney Barrett ** This is an important update and URGENT request.
President Trump has now officially nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court... and the unhinged extreme-left Democrats are launching a barrage of attacks to smear her and her family!
We also have just 37 days to go in the most consequential election in our lifetime.
When you donate $77 or more, we’ll send you a signed copy of Ted’s extremely timely new book – One Seat Away: How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History.
If we lose the Lone Star State, it could mean the END of the Trump presidency, the END of our Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, and an EMBOLDENED extreme-left Pelosi majority in the U.S. House.
Just imagine what our country will look like in a few short years if this happens!
We’re just days away from the FINAL end-of-quarter deadline of this election, and the funds we raise will fuel our 30-Day Victory Drive kicking off next Saturday.
We didn’t set a goal for this drive – because frankly, we need EVERY dollar we can raise. But we do have a minimum we need to reach to fund our critical get-out-the-vote efforts.
Please rush a $5, $10, $25, $50, or $100 emergency contribution, or more if you can, to help us reach this target. We’ll let Ted know that you stepped up at this critical time.
And when you donate $77 or more, we’ll send you a signed copy of Ted’s new book coming out this Tuesday. Paid for by Ted Cruz for Senate 815 A Brazos, PMB 550, Austin, TX 78701 |