Abby Broyles in the Senate would result in massive new taxes, weakened oil and gas, a liberal Supreme Court and another vote to support Joe Biden’s increasingly socialist agenda.

Hi ,

Abby Broyles in the Senate would result in massive new taxes, weakened oil and gas, a liberal Supreme Court and another vote to support Joe Biden’s increasingly socialist agenda.

Oklahomans do not support any part of that radical agenda.

That is why our campaign thought it appropriate to ask the question: where should Abby Broyles run for the Senate?

Help us get this ad seen by millions of Oklahomans before the election with a quick $25 donation to our campaign right now.

It is clear from socialist Senator Elizabeth Warren's endorsement of her campaign, to her career as a liberal media journalist, that Abby Broyles' politics are too far left for Oklahoma families.

Broyles is opposed to a thriving oil and gas industry and favors policies more akin to the Green New Deal. If she had her way, tens of thousands of jobs would be destroyed in Oklahoma. She even opposes the immediate confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She’d rather the Supreme Court be packed with liberal judges than with President Trump’s excellent choice.

Those are the policies of a California liberal, not an Oklahoman.

I hope I can count on your financial support to get this ad viewed on social media. Your generous contribution of $40, $70, $110 is crucial to our campaign's success this year.

Join our campaign today, and we will defeat this left-coast liberal come November 3rd.

Thank you and God Bless,
Jim Inhofe
U.S. Senator |

Contributions to Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee are not deductible as charitable donations for tax purposes. Federal election law requires political committees and individuals to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for contributions $200 or more an election cycle may contribute up to $2,800 for the Primary election and $2,800 for the General election. Contributions are prohibited from corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors, national banks, nationals without permanent residency status, and from any individual contributing another’s funds. Not printed at Government Expense.

Paid for by Friends of Jim Inhofe
Friends of Jim Inhofe

PO Box 13300
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
