Hey there! This is just a friendly reminder to please join us tomorrow at 5:00 PM for a virtual rally in support of Proposition 15 featuring Congresswoman Barbara Lee. This virtual rally will also include our very own State Assemblymember Rob Bonta, and special guest speaker, Alicia Garza!

In case you haven't already heard about Prop 15, this crucial ballot initiative will reclaim $12 billion every year for our local schools and
communities. Just the the Bay Area alone stands to gain an estimated $4.6 billion
every year to resource critical services and educate our
students. Prop
15 is a win-win that ensures corporations pay their fair share while
protecting homeowners, renters and small businesses. If you believe it's
about time corporations in California pay their fair share, please join
us at tomorrow's rally in support of this important measure.
In solidarity,
Jesus Arzola-Vega, EBYD Communications Director
"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
— Maya Angelou, Poet & Civil Rights Icon