From Jerry Moran <[email protected]>
Subject Can I count on you today?
Date September 29, 2020 3:02 PM
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My team has reached out to you about our end of quarter fundraising deadline. We are still behind and need your help immediately. [[link removed]] Don't wait until it's too late.

The truth is, America is at a crossroads. We must make it a priority to fight for common-sense leadership in Washington. The future of our country depends on it!

This state means everything to me. You can always count on me to stand up for Kansans, but I can't stay in the fight without YOUR help! [[link removed]]

Friend, will you send me a $10 donation today? [[link removed]]

We are thankful that you have taken the step to join our team, but now we need you to go a step further and support us with a donation.

click here to donate [[link removed]]

Kansas first. Kansas always.

Thank you,

Jerry Moran

Paid for by Moran for Kansas, Inc. UNSUBSCRIBE [link removed]
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