[[link removed]]Dear John,
Tomorrow, MPs will decide whether to re-enact the Coronavirus Act, a piece of
legislation that contain powers that would allow this Government to ban
protests, strip back social care, close borders and suspend elections.
Use our easy tool to email your MP today and tell them to repeal these extreme
measures and focus instead on a response that protects our rights.
Momentum is growing – more than 11,000 Liberty supporters have already emailed
their MP. Keep the pressure up and email yours today.
[[link removed]]Crisis for some Governments are used as opportunities to water down human rights
and restrict civil liberties.
This has happened here in the UK. Back in March the Government introduced the
Coronavirus Act – the biggest restriction on our individual and collective
freedoms in a generation.
Liberty has always supported proportionate action to tackle this pandemic. But
the powers within the Coronavirus Act can never be justified. As public health
experts have been telling us again and again for the past six months,
criminalisation and watering down rights are not solutions to a public health
crisis – people need support and information to be able to stay safe and take
care of one another.
Email your MP today and urge them to take this opportunity to scrap the
Coronavirus Act. It’s the first step towards a pandemic response that keeps us
safe and respects our rights.
Best wishes,
Andrew Taylor-Dawson
Development Manager
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