This is going to be the centerpiece of campaign HQ.

Friends -

The first thing you need to know about Bernie’s campaign is that it’s not about him.

It’s about all of us — including the nearly ONE MILLION of us who have donated to this campaign.

So we’re going to put up the name and location of EVERY one of the first million donors to our campaign on a wall in our national campaign office. It’s going to spell out “Not me. Us.”

And we want you to add your name to our Donor Wall by making your first online contribution to Bernie 2020.

Become a donor to Bernie with a $2.70 contribution today and get your name on our Donor Wall. You can make yours here.

Only the first million donors will be on this wall. We’re getting VERY close to that number, so time is short.

When you get your name on the wall, you can be sure of this: there won’t be any executives from fossil fuel companies, drug companies, or the health insurance industry up there with you.

Not one billionaire either.

Just us.

Become one of our first million donors and get your name on our Donor Wall with a $2.70 contribution to Bernie 2020.

Thank you for being a part of this.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager