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We hope you've heard the exciting news!

On Saturday, President Trump nominated fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett, an excellent Constitutional conservative, to serve on the Supreme Court. 

We couldn't be more excited for her nomination, and wanted to share what your fellow Hoosier Republicans are saying about this perfect nomination!

Support Fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett!

"Congratulations Judge Amy Coney Barrett!" - Vice President Mike Pence

"Judge Barrett’s compelling combination of experience and intellect would serve our country well on the Supreme Court bench, adding another healthy dose of Hoosier hospitality to our nation’s capital." -Governor Eric Holcomb

"Judge Amy Coney Barrett has shown she upholds our country's Constitution while serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals. While today's nomination is only the first step, it is a significant step as she looks to become the first woman justice from Indiana. Our nation could benefit with another exceptional Hoosier voice in Washington." -Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch

"Today is a big day for Indiana with fellow Hoosier Judge Amy Coney Barrett slated to be nominated to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Amy Coney Barrett of South Bend has distinguished herself in many ways." - Todd Rokita

“Once again, President Trump has selected a Hoosier to serve in a position of national importance. I congratulate Notre Dame’s Amy Coney Barrett for her nomination to the Supreme Court and applaud the president for his choice. A brilliant legal mind, Judge Barrett is an inspired choice to serve on our nation’s highest court and I know she will serve honorably." - Chairman Kyle Hupfer

"I am thrilled with POTUS's nomination of fellow Hoosier, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to serve on the Supreme Court. I've come to know her as an incredibly sharp legal mind, a woman of great integrity, and a dedicated mother of seven." - Senator Todd Young

"I fully support Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination and will vote to confirm her without hesitation." - Senator Mike Braun

“I can think of no one better qualified to serve on the Supreme Court than my fellow Hoosier, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Her record as a Notre Dame law professor and as an appellate judge demonstrates her first-rate legal mind and her unwavering commitment to constitutional principles. Given her impeccable credentials, the Senate should confirm her nomination without delay. I applaud President Trump for again fulfilling his promise to appoint judges who will faithfully uphold the rule of law, defend the Constitution, and protect the life and liberty of every American.” - Representative Jackie Walorski

"ACB already received bipartisan support from the Senate in her 2017 confirmation hearings. That’s because she is well-qualified, with sterling personal credentials and an impressive professional record. Senate, let’s get this done!" - Representative Jim Banks

"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is immensely qualified to serve on the United Stated Supreme Court. I have tremendous respect for her record and commitment to the Constitution. I look forward to her confirmation without delay." - Representative Jim Baird

"I applaud President Trump for nominating 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. As a strict constitutionalist, I admire her commitment to uphold her judicial and constitutional oath. As a former beloved Notre Dame Law professor, working mom of 7, and Hoosier for many years, she will be an excellent Justice on our Supreme Court." -Representative Susan Brooks

“Judge Amy Coney Barrett is supremely qualified, principled, a dedicated mother of seven, and is a brilliant choice for the Supreme Court by President Trump. She will be a strong Conservative judge and interpret the Constitution faithfully. I am proud to see a fellow Hoosier commit her life to service as Judge Barrett has done and I look forward to seeing her fill the 9th seat of the highest court in the land.” -Representative Greg Pence

"Congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett on being nominated by President Trump to The Supreme Court of the United States. Well deserved!" - Representative Larry Bucshon

President Trump has fulfilled his constitutional obligation to fill a Supreme Court vacancy and Hoosiers can rest assured that their senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, will do their duty as well.

Over the coming weeks, Judge Barrett will be the victim of attacks by the radical left, but the Indiana Republican Party will remain steadfast in our support for her.

Will you support us as we support our fellow Hoosiers -- from Judge Barrett to Vice President Pence to Governor Holcomb -- as we defend them over the next 36 days? Click to contribute today.

Thank you,
Indiana Republican Party

Support Fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett!
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