Deadline: Tuesday, Sept 29 @ 11:59PM EST

Dear John,

The final month before the election is the most important for our minority voter outreach program!

We've teamed up with Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones to reelect President TrumpYou see, this is the critical time when our radio ads must CLOSE THE DEAL with the minority voters who can push President Trump across the finish line!

And having our Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones ads airing across the country might could be the reason President Trump secures a victory in November.

But to "close the deal," we must RAMP UP our ads in the last 2-3 weeks before Election Day.

So in addition to co-signing the "Open Letter to Joe Biden" to be published in newspapers all across America (see my previous email below)...

...I'm hoping and praying you'll DOUBLE-DOWN with an urgent donation of $40 or more to help us CLOSE THE DEAL with minority voters...

...or at least donate $20.20 to help us stay ON THE AIR through Election Day.


- John Philip Sousa IV

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Cosign My Open Letter to Joe Biden

Deadline: Tuesday, Sept 29 @ 11:59PM EST

Dear John,

In August of 2013, this Committee was formed as the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, often referred to as Run Ben Run...

...and with the help of concerned Americans across the land who were tired of business as usual and forced to choose between swamp-dwelling politicians who would say anything to get elected, we did what most people thought impossible:

We convinced Dr. Ben Carson to run for president.

Once that feat was accomplished, we had to change our name to The 2016 Committee (due to Federal Election Commission rules).  From there, we raised and spent millions on the radio, field operations and GOTV efforts to help Dr. Carson win the GOP nomination.

John Philip Sousa IV and Dr. Ben Carson
Me with Dr. Carson in 2016.  Meeting the good Doctor was one of the greatest moments in my life!

And though ultimately President Trump won the nomination, our work and organization on behalf of Dr. Carson paid off as we changed our focus, and used our knowledge and resources to help President Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

How did we do that?

The answer is, this super PAC used a little known, but proven method to win over black votes for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan and five other swing states. And frankly, without the increase in black votes for Donald Trump in Michigan and Pennsylvania, Donald Trump would not be president today.

We dubbed it the Nadler Method.

You see, in 2000, the late Richard Nadler, president of Access Communications Group (ACG), commissioned a poll to ask black voters which party, the Republicans or the Democrats, they trusted more in a series of policy areas.

After seeing the results of the survey, Nadler concluded:

"It is a plain fact that millions of blacks and Hispanics with conservative views on right-to-life, taxation, education, and national defense, vote for, and are represented by Democratic politicians with whom they fundamentally disagree."

In 2002, Richard Nadler tested his theory of the impact of radio and television advertising to black Americans by targeting 19 predominantly black areas across five states.  The radio ads were run exclusively over urban contemporary black radio stations.

The results were remarkable!

In every single one of the 19 predominantly black areas selected, the vote for the conservative Republican candidate increased.

The Democrats were scared, and rightly so.

You see, the Nadler approach threatened the long term viability of the Democratic Party...

...because if the Nadler program was properly funded and executed, it was only a matter of time until at least one-third of all African Americans voted for Republican candidates.

"Our efforts to expand the [black] electorate were made more difficult by [their] black radio strategy... Republican messaging to the base will make base voter continuity, not to mention expansion, very difficult for Democrats."

- Democrat Donna Brazile
Former Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee

But, instead of standing their ground and adopting the Nadler approach as a legitimate means of winning over the black vote, the Republican Party establishment foolishly caved in and abandoned this winning strategy.

But this super PAC stumbled upon the Nadler Method and tested it in 2014 in the North Carolina Senate race between Republican candidate Thom Tillis and Democrat Kay Hagen in an effort to hold on to the majority in the Senate...

Two months prior to the election, we launched a $330,000 ad blitz over black radio stations on taxes, abortion, school choice and national security in North Carolina.

Where our ads could be heard, Thom Tillis won 18% of the black vote.  Where our ads could not be heard, Tillis won only 1% of the black vote!

Republican Thom Tillis beat Kay Hagen, and Nadler's theory once again prevailed.

And that's exactly what we did to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton!

With 2016 behind us, we once again changed our name and became the Stars and Stripes Forever PAC...

Which brings us to today.

I'm hoping you'll continue to help me finish what started with Dr. Carson in 2013 and continue to support this crusade to re-elect President Trump and defeat Joe Biden.

For President Trump to triumph over Joe Biden this November, we must win a larger share of the minority vote!

Stars and Stripes has been on the air using the Nadler Method (now expanded to include not only Blacks, but Hispanics/Latinos, Asians and Women) in Alabama, California, Maine, and New Mexico since August of 2019.

It is also thanks to the support of your fellow patriots that we were able to expand our ads into the battleground states of Michigan and Minnesota in February.

It's imperative that we can afford to stay on the air through Election Day in support of President Trump and to make sure minority voters hear the truth about the lies that Joe Biden and the Democrats have been feeding them for decades.

In addition, we must expand into Arizona, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and other states where President Trump needs the most help (and can win) and defeat some of the most radical, socialist political incumbents.

We have paid for our radio time through September and are now working to raise $43,800 for the month of October.

And starting in October, we'll need enough cash to double down on our ads and place our Open Letter to Joe Biden in newspapers across the country.

Please read it.  I am sure that you will agree with the message and understand why it is important we place it.

I hope I can count on you to COSIGN the Open Letter to Joe Biden that we will place in newspapers across the country in October.

It won't be taken seriously with just me alone, but with hundreds of good, patriotic Americans standing firm with me, it will have an impact!


I'm also counting on your support to help me continue Dr. Carson's mission to reclaim black voters to the Republican Party, where they belong.

We only have a few days left to raise $43,800 to place our ads in October!

So please Cosign My Open Letter to Joe Biden to include your name and state along with other Stars & Stripes supporters...

...and lend your support today of $20.20, $35, $75, $150 or more to keep us on the air and make sure President Trump and good conservatives win this November.

Please let me hear from you today.

John Philip Sousa IVUrgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. When my Great Grandfather was 61 years old he gave up his world famous band, along with millions in income each year, and joined the US Navy to help raise money to support America's war effort in WWI. His hard work paid off and he was immensely successful making sure the country he loved with all his heart won the war against the enemies of freedom.

Donald Trump became President at age 70 because he too understood the pressing need - as much from domestic enemies of freedom as foreign.  In the year since taking the oath, President Trump has been brutally abused by the media and the left who bombard him and his administration daily with lies and fake news.  And yet each day he gets up, dusts himself off and goes to work for the American people.

Both of these men love their country and sacrificed a great deal to serve their country.  We all should be very grateful.

Well, I don't have a band to give up, and there's not a chance that I am going to run for public office, so I plan to redouble my efforts to make sure that our Super PAC, Stars and Stripes Forever, is successful in November of 2020...

...and I hope you will work with me, because frankly, I can't do it without you.