Hi there, I don't have to tell you that this is a difficult time -- you and I both know that all too well. But I do want to remind you of a few things that are at stake in CA-48.

1. While my opponent was overseeing our response to the coronavirus, she downplayed the crisis, mishandled our tracking data, eliminated our county's mandatory mask order, and failed to protect our public health officials. Long story short: she put Orange County lives on the line while she was in charge.

2. My opponent is staunchly anti-choice, and she's ready to bring those views with her to Congress. With SCOTUS threatening Roe v. Wade, we need pro-choice leaders in Congress. 

3. My opponent's daughter asked her what was wrong with gay marriage. In her own words, my opponent took her daughter out of the college she was attending and "brainwashed her." She told that story laughing as a punch line of one of her jokes.

I'm telling you these things because Election Day isn't only about who our next president is going to be (don't get me wrong, that's still very important) -- it's also about all the other folks down the ballot who are shaping the future of the country.

And, in a race as tight as mine, your donations before our September 30 deadline could determine whether I keep my seat and keep driving our nation's future.  

Can you donate today?

With sincere gratitude,

-- Harley

Harley Rouda serves California's 48th district in Congress. In 2018, Harley defeated the 15-term incumbent Dana Rohrabacher in the very first political campaign of Harley's life. During his time in Congress, he's embraced common sense and values to tackle climate change, address deteriorating infrastructure, confront homelessness, and protect Social Security and Medicare. In 2020, Harley will be facing one of the toughest re-election fights in the entire country, so he's depending on the support of grassroots individuals. If you want to support Harley's re-election, you can donate here. If you'd like to no longer receive emails from his campaign, you can unsubscribe.