FIRST: Lindsey Graham is PANICKING after a new poll released yesterday has Democrat Jaime Harrison surging into a 45-43% lead in South Carolina just weeks before the election.

THEN: Flip the Senate announced a massive ad buy this morning in South Carolina targeting Lindsey Graham — $6.5 million in TV and digital advertising thanks in part to the millions of dollars we’ve raised from online donors like yourself this month.

NOW: Republicans are scrambling to stop the bleeding in South Carolina with Graham going on Fox News to practically beg right-wing activists to donate to his campaign. The other night he pleaded: “I’m getting overwhelmed... Help me. They’re killing me."

Democrats only need to flip FOUR seats to take back the Senate, and winning in South Carolina could guarantee the end of McConnell’s majority in Washington. And we expect outside Republican groups to dramatically increase their negative attacks on Harrison this week. So, we’re asking:

John, rush an emergency contribution to help Democrats defeat Republicans like Lindsey Graham and take our government back in November’s election. This is important:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks again for stepping up.

— Flip the Senate