Here are our top read posts:

Choose your own adventure this week. Will be it parks or parking lots in Reston? How about public spaces and safety or more traffic at Dave Thomas Circle? Would you choose bike lanes or parking slots on Louisiana Avenue? And lastly, methane gas or the end of the planet? Choose wisely. 


This video uses the “Cities: Skylines” game to show how freeways damage cities

By Dave Murphy (Contributor) • September 3, 2019

This one video gives viewers a look at how freeways impact cities.

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Will Reston have communities and parks at its Metro stations, or parking lots?

By Canaan Merchant (Elections Committee) • September 3, 2019

In Reston, fights over how the area should grow are on to a new round, this time over some parking lots just outside of a Metro station. A development proposed for an area near the Silver Line would include new office space, retail storefronts, and apartments, but one local group is not pleased.

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To fix Dave Thomas Circle, prioritize public space & safety over through traffic

By Conor Shaw (Guest Contributor) • September 4, 2019

The intersection of Florida and New York Avenue, or “Dave Thomas Circle” as it is colloquially known, is dangerous and confounding to all who use it. An Urban Land Institute (ULI) panel report reimagines the intersection as a safe, public space that connects neighborhoods rather than dividing them.

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37 parking spots stand in the way of a Louisiana Avenue bike lane

By David Cranor (Contributor) • September 5, 2019

The four-year-old plan to add a protected bikeway to Louisiana Avenue is at a standstill while the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) continues to negotiate the street design with Congress. The primary sticking point for the 0.6-mile-long lane? The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms (SAA) doesn’t want to give up 37 parking spaces.

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DC & Washington Gas both agree we need to stop burning gas. What’s next?

By Mark Rodeffer (Elections Committee), Matthias Paustian (Guest Contributor) • September 5, 2019

The clean energy law going into effect this year in DC requires the District’s electricity mix to be 100% clean by 2032, it sets strong energy efficiency requirements for buildings and calls for DC to transition away from gasoline-fueled transportation. But the law is silent on the source of nearly one-fifth of DC’s greenhouse gas emissions: methane gas.

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