We need to re-elect Cory and take back the U.S. Senate.

I’ll be honest with you, friend.

If we’re ever going to make progress for the American people — like more COVID-19 relief, lower prescription drug prices, stronger action on climate change, a livable minimum wage, and so much more — we need to take back control of the U.S. Senate. And that means re-electing Cory Booker this November.

Cory is a dear friend and fellow Democratic leader, and I’ve witnessed him fight with every ounce of his being for progress in the Senate. But as long as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP have control of the gavel, we’re stuck in what seems to be a never-ending legislative graveyard where progressive bills go to die.

That has to change this November. Especially now that Republicans are trying to rush a far-right conservative to the Supreme Court in the last 36 days before the election, despite their refusal to even hold hearings for President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland in 2016.

The Republicans refuse to play by the rules, and as a result, our rights are at greater risk than ever before. That’s why losing isn’t an option.

We absolutely must hold our Democratic majority in the House, flip the Senate, and remove Trump from the White House on November 3. Re-electing Cory is an important part of the equation, so I’m asking:

Will you split a contribution of $10 or any amount that’s within your budget to support Cory and I in our fight to take back the Senate and hold the House, so we can start making real progress in Washington? Our next big FEC fundraising deadline is coming up on September 30, so anything you can give will make an immediate impact.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Let’s make these next 36 days count. This is the fight of our lives, and I’m grateful you’re standing with us.

Thank you for all that you do.

Don’t let up,
