It's official John, Chris won his primary earlier this month, and now, we're running against a far-right, Republican conspiracy theorist in the general election.

Chris Coons

"Republican nominee for US Senate in Delaware has repeatedly promoted QAnon, conspiracy theory, once called self 'flat earther'"

Help Chris defeat his far-right opponent today. Chip in to our General Election Fund >>


It's official John, Chris won his primary earlier this month, and now, we're running against a far-right, Republican conspiracy theorist in the general election.

Chris' general election opponent, Lauren Witzke, has publicly embraced the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon, promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories, and called herself a "flat earther." These conspiracy theories aren't just ridiculous -- they're dangerous.

When Justice Ginsburg passed away last week, Witzke posted a racist, sexist meme, which mocked Justice Ginsburg as "Ruth Vader Ginsburg," and called for the Justice's seat to be filled "immediately."

Will you help us push back against her extreme far-right agenda and make sure Chris wins in November? Rush a contribution to our General Election Fund today >>

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It's not just conspiracy theories and insulting posts on social media, Brendan. Chris' opponent proposes paying families for having more than three children, while punishing couples who divorce, supports banning all immigration for ten years, and regularly interacts online with hateful white nationalists.

It's clear that she's running to support Donald Trump and the far-right fringe, not Delaware families.

Will you help us reject our far-right opponent's extremist agenda? Please, rush support to our General Election Fund to stand with Chris.

Thank you,

Team Coons


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