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Subject Schwan suspends employee for displaying TRUMP flag | ALEX NEWMAN tours Oklahoma
Date September 28, 2020 1:30 PM
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Schwan suspends employee for displaying TRUMP flag | ALEX NEWMAN tours Oklahoma Published Monday, September 28, 2020 AT NOON WEDNESDAY ALEX NEWMAN The Deep State and Your Children's School GOVERNMENT EDUCATION Alex Newman authored the book, Crimes of the Educators with Samuel Bloomenfeld. He has spoken the world over about the Marxist use of taxpayer-funded education to indoctrinate children to be servants of the state. He is an award-winning international journalist, educator, and author. He contributes to World Net Daily, the New American, and the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief. Having lived in eight countries on four continents, Alex is fluent in many languages, but will be presenting in English this Wednesday. Bring your family, friends, and most importantly, those youth 18 and under who we welcome at no charge, as they are the future of Western Civilization. ________________ ALSO SPEAKING: BRIAN MAUGHAN Oklahoma County Commissioner Last Wednesday, our featured speaker, David Hooten, emphasized the importance of retaining Oklahoma County Commissioner, Brian Maughan. Without him, the political fallout would impact the health of County Government at many levels. David Hooten will return this week to explain the importance of the County Commissioner race and why it is imperative we re-elect Brian Maughan. Brian will talk about the issues facing Oklahoma County and the two diverse paths impacting the county's political future offered the voters November 3. With any amount of good fortune, perhaps David will again lend his world class Trumpet skills with a patriotic rendition. (David Hooten is a sought-after soloist with orchestras the world over.) THIS WEDNESDAY Meet Award-winning author, Alex Newman Oklahoma County Commissioner, Brian Maughan David Hooten Returns BRING SOMEONE! ________________ MEETING LOCATION: Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association 420 E. Britton Road OKC, OK 73114 WEDNESDAY NOON to 1 PM FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students under 21-years old. $5 entry for all others Catered by Nan's Catering Full lunch $10 Table of Contents BOB LINN We Languish for Men Governments need Christendom OCPAC WAR CHEST OCPAC LAST WEDNESDAY David Hooten | Russell Smith Dr. Joseph Harroz Passes Away MOVIE SCREENING In His Image SCHWAB FIRES EMPLOYEE His Crime: His personal vehicle displays a TRUMP flag ALEX NEWMAN SCHEDULE More than 15 Speaking Engagements ________________ Prior Week Entries of Continued Importance ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH Curtis Bowers | Trevor Loudon POLL WORKERS NEEDED $100 -$110 daily ________________ ARCHIVES CHINA VIRUS Links to our past COVID-related articles STEVE ANDERSON Newly Published Book The First Level of Reality Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy. It will come to your inbox each Monday morning. Sign up here. BOB LINN We Languish for Men Governments need Christendom Secularism proved the bane of the 20th Century. It had been maturing insidiously for two centuries prior. Maximilien Robespierre planted the seed of evil in France in the 18th century. Marx, the 19th century man who loved all that was dark and demonic, nurtured the tyrannical elements of unfettered secularism. This man who could not pay his own bills or sustain an income of any kind has poisoned the economic and moral foundations of entire nations. Satan worked through Karl Marx to give the world Lenin, Stalin, Mao and a host of others to produce a combined slaughter of 150 million people in the century which ended 20 years ago. Men like Nelson Mandela helped close the 20th century Mandela punctuated the brutality of men whose mind is fixed on Karl Marx rather than Christ. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago exposed the evil fruit which found maturity in Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. Effective leadership in all areas, especially in politics, requires exposing evil. Christ is calling the church of the 21st century to understand the responsibilities inherent is its purpose made clear to our first parent in Genesis chapter one. God made it known from the onset of history that His people are to manage earthly affairs as the vice-regents of God. This entails guarding life on earth from evil, in part, by exposing evil. Governments are dependent upon Biblical leadership in order to function in a way that the people prosper. King Solomon articulated this as clearly as anyone. He said, “Without a foundation in the Word of God, the people perish.” You'll find this in your copy of the Word of God in Proverbs 29:18. If you are reading this in the King James, it will say, “Without a vision the people perish.” The Hebrew word rendered by the KJV as “vision” is “hazon” and means the prophetic revelation of the Word of God. The Word of God is the foundation of Western Civilization. The impact of Scripture on culture was codified as the foundation of governments when, on 1 November 451, the council of Chalcedon articulated the Biblical ontology of God, establishing the Trinity and its corollary, “Jesus is Lord.” Dan Fisher is America's leading presenter of the fact that the foundations of our nation are found in its early pulpits. Fisher points out that when British soldiers would tell our troops to bow the knee to England's King, the response would often be, “We have no king but King Jesus!” This fight for colonial independence was made possible by the pastors of the day. It is why King of England called the war a “Presbyterian Rebellion.” The 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence risked charges of high treason against the King of England. Treason was punished by death. Knowing this, they closed the document with this phrase: And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. These men were all profoundly influenced by the sermons of 17th and 18th century New England. Their leadership led to the most unique constitution in the history of mankind. It was exceedingly effective as the foundation of a Christian, God-fearing nation. A most remarkable political philosopher became the second president of the United States after the current constitution was established. He said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Only through Christian men and a Christian culture will we return to the constitutional principles which have been abandoned by Supreme Court justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg who, with others, wrote rulings based on the constitutions of foreign powers. God is raising up such men as we have seen in those who have spoken in our Wednesday lunch meetings. A.W. Tozer wrote on Christian leadership. His observations are ones the American pulpits, America’s only hope, must heed: The Church at this moment needs men, the right kind of men, bold men.... We languish for men who feel themselves expendable in the warfare of the soul, who cannot be frightened by threats of death because they have already died to the allurements of this world. Such men will be free from the compulsions that control weaker men. They will not be forced to do things by the squeeze of circumstances; their only compulsion will come from within—or from above. This kind of freedom is necessary if we are to have prophets in our pulpits again instead of mascots. These free men will serve God and mankind from motives too high to be understood by the rank and file of religious retainers who today shuttle in and out of the sanctuary. They will make no decisions out of fear, take no course out of a desire to please, accept no service for financial considerations, perform no religious act out of mere custom; nor will they allow themselves to be influenced by the love of publicity or the desire for reputation. "Lord, what would it take for me to be that kind of man? Do in me whatever work You need to do today, that I might die to the allurements of the world and serve You with high motives. Amen." PRAYER FOR AMERICA May the American pulpit recognize the foundation of civilization for what it is: the responsibility of the church. May we recognize war was declared by God in Genesis 3:15. May our pulpits and our churches engage in that war. May we fulfill our calling as God's vice-regents of the earth. May we be faithful during our time of occupation. ~Genesis 1 ‌ Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. November lies ahead. 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! ________________ Get this newsletter sent to your inbox every Monday! Sign up here. LAST WEEK _______________________ David Hooten Oklahoma Courthouse and BLM The atrocities at the Oklahoma Courthouse extend beyond the senseless, disruptive, and destructive presence of Black Lives Matter insurgents. The Oklahoma media insists on focusing on the brazen disrespect for the citizens of the county. Those who are acting responsibly and instituting a level of decorum are of no interest to "Oklahoma's own" news teams. He also spoke of how his office syncs with Rick Warren, the Oklahoma County Court Clerk, and Brian Maughan, Oklahoma County Commissioner. You may watch the meeting here. _________________________ ALSO PRESENTING Russell Smith UNITE NORMAN Russell spoke of the continued work to review the dis-allowed signatures in order to recoup the 700 needed to remove the mayor. He also spoke of last week's council meeting where they asked that police enter private homes to enforce mask mandates. Unite Norman continues its work to restore sanity to what has become a Marxist stronghold. Fortunately, there are very encouraging signs that our conservatives have awakened. You may watch the meeting here. DR. JOSEPH HARROZ December 27, 1929 - September 24, 2020 Faithful Christian OCPAC Member Father of O.U. President Funeral 11 A.M. Monday, September 17. St. Elijah Antiochian Christian Orthodox Church While at the Funeral Home yesterday, I spoke briefly with the family as well as Jim Grigsby and John Easley. I asked Dr. Harroz's son to come by OCPAC to speak briefly about his dad. He may or may not be able to come. TRIBUTE TO Dr. HARROZ Joseph Harroz, M.D. fell asleep in the Lord Thursday, September 24, 2020. Born December 27, 1929, he lived a life of love, care, healing, humility and humor that defines a life well-lived. He was a faithful Orthodox Christian, a devoted husband, and a role-model patriarch of a family that he shaped and guided through wisdom, and limitless and enduring love. As a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, he welcomed more than 12,000 children to the world, both through delivery and adoption. Dr. Harroz embodied the American dream, born the son of Lebanese immigrants that came to Oklahoma in the late 1800’s, seeking a better life. He was the first to attend college. He received both his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Oklahoma in 1952 and 1956. Following his medical residency, he entered the U.S. military, serving as a Captain in the Air Force. His career in medicine spanned almost 60 years, caring for patients, serving in hospital leadership roles such as Chief of Staff of Deaconess Hospital, and teaching at the OU College of Medicine. While he has been called to heaven, he will be profoundly missed on this earth. He is loved deeply, and his important legacy will live through his family and friends. Funeral Services 11:00 a.m. Monday, September 28, 2020 St. Elijah Antiochian Christian Orthodox Church Burial to follow at Fairlawn Cemetery. Donations suggested to: The Flowers that Do Not Wither Fund at St. Elijah. IN HIS IMAGE MOVIE Screening Tuesday, October 13 7:00 PM First Southern Baptist Church 6400 S. Sooner Road, OKC, OK 73135 This film is a project of American Family Association and American Family Studios. Helping with the content was our own Stephen Black, Director of First Stone Ministries. The film interviews the leading voices who promote the Biblical view that gender identity is inherent in the physical realities of our bodies as God shaped us in the womb. The content of the movie is provided by an educated group. See below. The screening will include a panel of the movie's producers and participants. They include: SCHWAN'S SUSPENDS EMPLOYEE for Publicly Supporting the President of the United States of America! It is time to make some calls and send some emails. If we still had the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), established in 1938, we might ask our Washington delegation to take a look at the Schwan's food company. Unfortunately, the organization was renamed House Committee on Internal Security in 1969 and terminated 6 years later by the 94th Congress on January 14, 1975. It may be time for some phone calls to Schwan's. Last week, this patriotic Schwans employee got permission to park in another company’s parking lot. A lot owned by a company who is that was pro-Trump. The zoning manager from Schwans insisted that, even though his private truck was no longer on company property, he would face disciplinary action if he did not remove the flags. An OCPAC member is a friend of the owner of this truck. She told us that he had never parked the truck in front of the business, but rather, in the back lot. Even after making arrangements to park in another lot, a lot not on the property of Schwans, her friend was suspended indefinitely for having these flags on his truck. This gentleman brought his story to the local news and they told him “this is not a fight that you want to fight.“ It doesn’t fit their narrative. CALL TO ACTION We need to call Schwans. 1-507-532-3274 115 W College Dr., Marshall, MN 56258 Tell them this is unacceptable and if that’s how they handle pro liberty free speech they can keep their trucks off our streets. ALEX NEWMAN SPEAKING EVENTS All Open to the Public RESCUING OUR CHILDREN Exposing The Dangers of Public Education How the Marxists Have Influenced Schools to Turn Our Children Into Socialists! THE DEEP STATE The Shadow Government Behind The Scenes! COVID 19 & RIOTS How They are Being Used to Steal LIBERTY! GOD vs. FORCES OF DARKNESS The Spiritual Man vs. The Marxist Man Contrast in World Views! ___________________ Tuesday, September 29 11:45 A.M.-1:30 P.M. Woodland Hills Baptist Church 313 Highway 76, Newcastle, OK LUNCH & TALK GOD v FORCES OF DARKNESS 3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M. Shannon Springs Park Amphitheatre 2400 S. 9th St, Chickasha, OK COVID 19 & RIOTS 6:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Vaska Theater 1902 N.W. Farris Ave, Lawton, OK 73507 COVID 19 & RIOTS Wednesday, September 30 Noon - 1:15 P.M. OCPAC LUNCH & TALK RESCUING OUR CHILDREN 6:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Fairview Baptist Church 1230 N. Sooner Road, Edmond, OK 73034 THE DEEP STATE Thursday, October 1 12:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. The Liberty Center 9410 E. 51st Street, Tulsa, OK TWO PRESENTATIONS RESCUING OUR CHILDREN GOD vs. FORCES OF DARKNESS Friday, October 2 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Patriot Pastor Luncheon Fairview Baptist Church 1230 N. Sooner Road, Edmond, OK RESTRICTED: PASTORS AND ORGANIZATION LEADERS ONLY Reservation helpful but not required 405-348-1745 7:00 P.M.-8:30 P.M. Enid Freedom Fighters Calvary Baptist Church 831 E. Broadway, Enid, OK RESCUING OUR CHILDREN Saturday, October 3 10 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Unite Norman Go Church 2300 24th Ave S.W., Norman, OK COVID 19 & RIOTS Sunday, October 4 9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M. Northwest Bible Church OKC 4301 N.W. 36th Street, OKC, OK GOD vs. FORCES OF DARKNESS 5 P.M.-6:30 P.M. Deer Creek Baptist Church 355900 E. 960 Road, Stroud, OK (Highway 99 & 960 Junction) GOD vs. FORCES OF DARKNESS Monday, October 5-Wednesday, Oct 7 SOME DATES BEING FIRMED UP Will provide this information in OCPAC newsletter on Monday, Oct 5 PRIOR WEEK ENTRIES of Continued Importance  ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH By Bob Linn Pastor Cary Gordon narrates this soon-to-be-released film exposing the Marxist infiltration into America's churches, seminaries, and Christian missionary movements. Those involved in the film include Trevor Loudon and Curtis Bowers. This film exposes shocking developments throughout the entire breadth of 21st century Christendom. Protestants, Catholics, and the Orthodox church have been infiltrated. Our beloved evangelistic organizations have seen wolves in sheep's clothing rise to the very top. The head of the Russian Orthodox church is a KGB agent. The Pope is a Marxist. The evangelical church has been deeply penetrated. That penetration goes to the very top of institutions we thought were rock solid. This includes the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Southern Baptist Church, the former Campus Crusade for Christ (now, CRU), and many others. The evidence is iron clad. I was on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and worked with founder and President, Dr. Bill Bright. Sadly, I have been made aware that Marxist concepts have become pervasive at their national conferences over the past few years. It is both clear and stunning. Marxist language is now a part of their programs on campuses throughout the nation. I've also spent many years in the Southern Baptist Church. In addition, my wife and I founded a PCA church in our living room many years ago. In spite of my close relationship with all these institutions, the evidence of their fall from Godliness is overwhelming. In the near future, I plan to focus on the developments within the organization I once knew as Campus Crusade for Christ. It is important to expose these enemies who have crept into Christendom. These have entered our Christian institutions in an effort to destroy the Church. The "gospel" they promote will bear no fruit. Marxist ideology mixed with Bible verses will produce neither salvation nor the health, peace, and prosperity of civilizations. Marxist concepts like social justice, critical race theory and the myths inherent in the concept of "white privilege" are ungodly, contrary to all of the Scriptures, and represent evil and destructive weapons designed to destroy the church, the family, and societies. They are drenched in narcissism and hatred. These ideas, now permeating most of our seminaries and academic institutions (beginning in elementary school), will soon destroy the nation if we do not expose them for the evil they represent. PLEASE HELP US FINISH THIS PROJECT BY CONTRIBUTING HERE. Watch the Trailer here. POLL WORKERS NEEDED by Suzanne Callihan We need more conservatives working the polls. Find information here. In Oklahoma County, call Maghan Alkire or Lindsey Blandford 1-405-713-1515 PAY IS $100-$110 per day List of other county election boards here. ARCHIVES ... COVID CONTINUING IN THE NEWS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AS THE LEFTIST MEDIA CONTINUES TO POUND AWAY AT A DEBUNKED THEORY To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues: Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020 Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020 History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020 China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020 Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020 California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020 The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020 Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020 “Never Again!” __________________ Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. STEVE ANDERSON Publishes New Book The First Level of Reality FIVE STAR RATING! Order this well-received book written by OCPAC's Political Analyst today! Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity. Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why. The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction. Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst ORDER STEVE'S NEW BOOK HERE __________________ Books Recommended Last Week Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman. Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education. ‌ OCPAC | P.O. 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