September 28, 2020
Science for the People



The People’s Green New Deal issue Editorial Collective and the Climate Change Working Group of Science for the People are excited to announce a virtual teach-in series focusing on the grassroots movements that are building a People’s Green New Deal. As the conversation around what constitutes a Green New Deal shifts and changes with the risk of being co-opted by the same capitalists who have endangered our existence with their willful negligence, and at times intentional acceleration, of the climate crisis, we must continue to push for meaningful policy. This series of teach-ins will center grassroots organizing movements led by coalitions of environmental justice communities, academics and activists, not just in the US, but around the globe. These teach-ins are based on the People’s Green New Deal issue of Science for the People magazine, and will continue to build an internationalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist vision. Attend the teach-ins to join the conversations among scientists, labor organizers, artists, designers and community activists, that will inform our ongoing organizing work to meet the climate crisis.  


You can sign up to receive email updates about these teach-ins using this form


Our first teach-in event will take place on Thursday, Oct 8th, 12.30 - 2 pm EST and will focus on “Labor and Green New Deal: Workers for Energy Democracy”.

We'll be posting and sharing relevant stories from the magazine before each event. You can read ‘A People’s Green New Deal’ online, or order a print copy or pdf copy of the magazine. 

We plan to hold the teach-ins on a weekly basis, starting from the first week of Oct till the first week of Dec 2020. Announcements for specific teach-ins will be sent out to the listservs closer to date with enough time for publicity. Our current line-up of teach-ins include two panels on labor issues and the environment/climate crisis, energy democracy, art, design and public spaces, Green New Deal and internationalism, and agroecology. 


If you have suggestions or questions, please feel free to reach out at [email protected]. We also hope that you will share these exciting and informative teach-ins with your networks. 


Looking forward to building a People’s Green New Deal with you all, 


In Solidarity.

Editorial Collective, People’s Green New Deal Issue (vol. 23, #2)

Climate Change Working Group

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