If it was any other year and Peter was facing the toughest election of his career, the plan would be clear-- we would build teams to organize house parties, knock doors, plan town hall meetings, and hand out lit. Thanks to Trump's failure to manage COVID, we can't do any of that.

But that doesn't mean we're not going to organize. It means we're going to organize harder than ever. We're charging full steam ahead into the last weeks of this race to keep our movement growing and getting our message in front of every voter in Oregon's Fourth Congressional District.

In fact, we can't slow down now; there's too much at stake, and we're counting on you to make sure we've got the resources to keep up the pace. Chip in $3 to get the word out.

As our big quarterly deadline approaches, I want to take a minute to give a shout out to our amazing field team. Even though they can't actually go into the field, they're working round the clock to reach out, answer your questions, and let folks know how important their vote is to our movement this year.

Our organizers are the people who are bringing our movement together; the front line activists who keep our momentum going and our spirits up.

Grassroots supporters like you make that organization possible, and we're heading into the busiest, highest-stakes part of the race. We've got just a few more days until our last big fundraising deadline; can you contribute $3 now to build the team?

Our campaign team is the engine of our movement, and we've got to do everything we can to make sure they've got the fuel to get the job done: information, enthusiasm, appreciation, and vision.

And coffee. Lots of coffee.

Our deadline is coming up fast! Pitch in now to make sure our organizers have everything they need to get our message out!


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50


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