There’s no denying that we need commonsense reforms to make sure that our nation’s law enforcement can do their jobs effectively…
Not just for the sake of the community’s safety, but also for the safety of our men and women in blue.
As governor of South Carolina, I dealt firsthand with dirty cops – but instead of attacking the entire police force, we brought together law enforcement and the community, and we passed the first body camera bill in the country.
This commonsense legislation protected victims from being abused and protected law enforcement officers from being accused of something they didn’t do.
If you really want results, defunding the police is not the answer.
Which is why I hope you will rush your response to the ‘I STAND WITH POLICE’ pledge right now.
While serving as UN Ambassador, I saw what made America special, and what separated us from other countries...the rule of law.
Just imagine for a second.
If this defund the police movement isn’t stopped… who’s going to answer your 911 call?
and who’s going to investigate murders, assaults, and thefts?
If this movement is not stopped, I fear our country is headed in a dangerous direction. The direction of Venezuela – a country riddled with total disregard for individual liberty and filled with lawlessness and anarchy.
If the radicals on the left really want results – this is not how you do it.
You don’t get rid of police – you bring them together with the community. We know there are a lot more good cops than bad cops.
So, join me now and sign the ‘I STAND WITH POLICE’ pledge.
Your safety… your family’s safety… public safety… these aren’t ideological issues.
We must ensure that our officers have the resources, guidance, and support they need to keep our communities safe.
My very best,