Trump just signed our death warrant.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


Just when you thought Donald Trump and his merry band of spineless bureaucrats in Washington couldn’t sink any lower, they prove us wrong. These folks are doing everything they can to jam through Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court bench -- with 37 days left before an election.

Here’s the worst part -- the Supreme Court is set to hear a case to strike down the Affordable Care Act on November 10th. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg was our last line of defense to protect it.

Coney Barrett is well-known to be an outspoken critic of the ACA, calling it unconstitutional. Her appointment will guarantee that 21 million Americans lose their healthcare coverage and 54 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will be deemed uninsurable.

And East Texans can’t count on Louie Gohmert to stand up for us. We have the highest numbers of uninsured and children in poverty of any rural district in the state. Yet he’s done nothing to provide healthcare for us in 15 years. Under his watch, rural hospitals you and your family need continue to close, Big Pharma and private insurers are jacking up prices, and over 1 million Texans suffer through the pandemic without any health insurance.

Letting him win another term is signing our death warrant. This is now or never, y’all. We need to give Louie to boot to fix our broken healthcare system. Pitch in $15 or whatever you can to help us get Gohmert gone >>>

It may be too late to stop Trump from installing Coney Barrett to the Court, but we gotta fight back with everything we have to beat Trump and Louie in November.

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Hank Gilbert

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank