Hey John - I thought you might be interested in seeing these photos from an event outside our office last weekend:

I was honored to speak before so many fired-up Pennsylvanians. As Joe Biden said, this really is an election between Scranton and Park Avenue.

Scranton is about lifting people up, defending workers, and affordable health care for families.

Park Avenue is about stocks over people, forgetting our workers, and taking away protections for pre-existing conditions.

My opponent hasn’t spent much time in Scranton - he hasn’t really lived in Northeastern Pennsylvania since he graduated college and moved to the coasts. Maybe that’s why he’s forgotten Scranton values and is instead chomping at the bit to cut Social Security and Medicare.

John, in this final stretch of the election I’m going to be counting on you more than ever. With COVID-19, campaigning is much different, incredibly harder, and a lot more expensive. Take our office for example - ideally we would be using it to meet for canvassing and hold phone-banking events. Instead nearly all of our campaigning is virtual and we’re relying on phone calls and pricey advertising to get our message out.

That’s why I’m making this personal request to you, John: Will you chip in $8 to help cover the operating expenses for our campaign? The stakes are too high for us to let Bognet’s big money backers like Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. drown us out. You can donate at this secure link here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/MCPA-08-Email-Sept2020-FR-Weekly?

I appreciate you and your support more than you know.

- Matt

U.S. Rep. Matthew A. Cartwright
Cartwright for Congress
P.O. Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501

Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

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PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States