From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject Sincerely asking for $5
Date September 27, 2020 7:17 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

It's Sunday, so I'll be quick -- the final FEC end-of-quarter deadline of the election is a couple days away and the GOP attacks against me are intensifying.

Chip in before the FEC deadline to fight back →

My corporate lobbyist opponent is attacking me on Twitter, Fox News' Tucker Carlson attacked me live TV, and outside groups are spending $90 million to defeat Democrats like me.

Our opponents are pulling out all of the stops to turn NJ-11 red, so we need to work twice as hard to set the record straight for New Jersey voters and defend this critical blue seat and the House Majority.

Fortunately, a generous group of Team Mikie supporters has agreed to MATCH all contributions before the deadline.

We don't know if we'll have another chance to DOUBLE contributions before Election Day, so we need to make these next few days count. So please -- if you are able, chip in $5 before the FEC deadline, and I'll personally make sure it's matched.

Thank you for all you do,


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