Good morning friend.  Hope you're having a good weekend, and hope we see your cute face at our weekly Zoom today.  No need to register, just click to join any time between 2 and 3.


So I don't know if you saw this the other day: when *45 and the wife showed up to "pay respects" (cough) to our beloved RBG, the crowd broke into boos and a spontaneous chant of "VOTE HIM OUT."  Of course the man-child couldn't stand it for a full minute, the body-blows were perceptible, and it was delicious.  I played it on a loop for a while.

He knows he's losing.  We can't let up now.  

We need to keep calling our senators.  Indivisible has a Save SCOTUS effort with scripts, events, and more.  It hurts me to say it, but I fear there's not a lot we can do to prevent them from ramming this through, despite the majority of Americans wanting them to wait.  However our senators need to push push push and do everything in their power to prevent this (looking at you, Feinstein).  Above all, they need to hold Lindsey Graham to his word.

Sadly, I also fear that the Dems lack the numbers and political will to stack the courts when we regain power.

So what we need to do now is make sure we get the vote out in overwhelming numbers, and keep a sharp eye on them.  They know they don't stand a chance unless they cheat like crazy.  (I mean honestly, who raised these people?)

I highly recommend helping out with the National Voter Assistance Hotline They have trainings every Saturday at 10 a.m. between now and November, and there are roles large and small for us all to play.  EVERY SINGLE VOTE is going to be crucial for us, folks; let's fight for every one!

We've got our short and sweet Manny's Monday phone bank from 5:30 to 7 tomorrow, please join us to make some calls if you can. It that's not a good time, there are tons of other options at Grassroots Democrats HQ, Democracy Action, the Democrats, and Rise.  There is plenty of training and hand-holding if you're feeling unsure.

Also, texters!  I've been loving texting for Resistance Labs; they always have a variety of campaigns going on so you can choose what feels most important on any particular day.  In addition I attended an online text training with Mission for AZ that I highly recommend.  The trainer was very clear, thorough, had a great demeanor, etc.  They'll be doing a virtual training every Saturday at noon.  We need Arizona, y'all!  This is a super easy way to help.  You'll like it, I promise.


And hey!  Our amazing friends at Action SF have put together another thoughtful fundraiser.  Please donate if you can.

Our new strategy "Battleground 2020 Campaign" is to turnout voters in Swing States critical to a November 2020 Democratic electoral victory, by supporting the work of  local groups engaged in  "grassroots" work in PennsylvaniaMichiganNorth Carolina and Florida.

The goal is to raise $30,000 now to give (4) local groups enough lead time to use their money effectively for voting.  This “bottom-up” strategy funds people in their local communities to get voters registered and VOTING!

Black Voters Matter – Florida (29 electoral votes)

Pennsylvania Stands Up  Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes

Down Home North Carolina – North Carolina (15 electoral votes) 

Detroit Action – Michigan (16 electoral votes)  

All donations go to these grassroots groups to help Democrats win up and down the ballot. Go to to donate to the Battleground 2020 Campaign.


We need some funds here as well, folks!  I so appreciate the generous members and friends who have helped out, thank you so much.  It really does take a village and every bit helps.  [email protected] is my paypal; please let's keep SUSF afloat.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, please feel free to drop me an email and I'll add next time!

We've got 37 days.  Please take care of yourself and know you're loved.  Better days are coming soon.

