each donation sends a powerful message about the grassroots strength of our movement.

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On Wednesday, we face our final and most important quarterly FEC deadline. But before I ask you to make a contribution, I want to say a few words about what this means for our campaign.

First of all, we are on a path to win.

When we launched this campaign, our race was ranked "lean Republican." Through hard work, we changed that ranking first to “toss up” and now to “leans Democratic.” And the last several polls have shown us in the lead over Senator Collins.

But that success is a double edged sword because it means outside groups linked to Mitch McConnell and Washington Republicans are spending even more money to try and save Collins’ campaign, and save this Senate seat for Republicans.

So we need a lot of small-dollar donations between now and our FEC deadline. Not only because that is how we are funding this campaign, but also because each donation sends a powerful message about the grassroots strength of our movement.

That’s why I am asking you directly:

Can you please contribute to our campaign today? It'd mean a lot to have your support, especially before Wednesday’s FEC deadline.

Remember, we’re not just taking on Susan Collins in this race. We’re also taking on Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, special interest groups and the entire Washington Republican establishment.

We can beat them all — but I can’t do it alone.

That’s why I’m so glad to have you fighting alongside me.

Thank you for your support.

All my best,

Sara Gideon


Sara Gideon for Maine
PO Box 812
South Freeport, ME 04078

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