Dear Members and Associates,
Here is the link for this afternoon's meeting at 4 pm.
Twin Ports DSA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: September Membership Meeting
Time: Sep 27, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 6683 1128
Passcode: 321151
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We hope you can join us for what should be a good meeting. Our racial justice working group has been hard at work meeting weekly and developing an exciting proposal you can read about below. I'll paste in the message from Lydia:
Hi everyone,
I think we mentioned briefly during our last DSA general meeting that the Racial Justice Working Group has been doing some research into the CAHOOTS mobile crisis intervention program (a 30 year old police alternative program in Eugene, Oregon) and seeing what it would take to get a program like this in Duluth.
As a TPDSA Working Group, before we move ahead with formally contacting organizations and/or politicians about this we would like to run it by the larger membership.
We have drafted a Cover Letter and Memo for TPDSA which gives a little bit of information about the program. We can also plan to come with any other resources about the program should people have questions about it. There is also a great, pretty concise 4 minute clip about it that can be a good introduction for any of you who aren't familiar with it.
Additionally, members of our working group have also been working on a Who to Call Instead of 911 list to eventually distribute. We would also like to run this by the membership in attendance at the next general meeting and see if there is anything to add or change, then we will begin contacting the organizations to make sure they are okay being included on this list. I am also attaching that draft here.
If you have any questions or want any more information before the steering committee meeting just let us know!
Please read through the proposal, watch the video, and read the resource list. Come with questions and ideas.
Twin Ports DSA Agenda for 9/27/20
1. Introductions
2. Approve agenda and minutes
3. Racial Justice Working Group proposal, presentation and discussion (will take bulk of meeting)
4. Update about Jen
5. Recruitment Captain needed (10% growth). Mass recruitment kickoff call 7 pm central.
6. YDSA update (Tom and Toni) —Might be able to get HS chapters.
7. Chapters should have or consider producing introductory materials, perhaps socialism 101 for new members, monthly new member socials
8. Announcements
You will notice that number five says we need a Recruitment Captain, and we do. DSA is starting a massive recruitment drive, with the goal of 10% growth for each chapter over the next five weeks. In our case, that's definitely doable. Please let us know if you are interested. There is also a recruitment training event shortly after our meeting, at 7 pm.
Finally, this Saturday is the Solon-Munger virtual celebration, a local DFL fundraiser. This is an annual SD7 event that I normally would not mention, but we have an endorsed candidate who will be there, Jen McEwen, and we have a few members who are helping to organize it.
In Solidarity,
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA