![]() Patriot, The first ads from our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” just went up! But Dr. Paul is counting on your help to keep them running. . . The great news is, on the Internet, you can have greater impact with fewer dollars -- just look at the approximate number of views your generous support can secure on the sites below:
These targeted ads are designed for one thing – making sure U.S. Senators feel the heat and IMMEDIATELY reverse course on any schemes they’re planning to gut your gun rights. Our biggest concern is we may not be able to fully implement Phase One of this “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” program without an immediate influx of support from liberty-minded patriots like you. Will you pitch in right away to help keep these ads running and get more plastered across the Internet in our targeted states? ![]() ![]() We’re running these ads for a simple reason: To show these Senators if they vote for Gun Control, it’ll be their political hide. PERIOD!!! The good news is, our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” will drive that message home LOUD and CLEAR. These ads are designed to get the type of mass mobilization campaign rolling no politician – no matter how weak-kneed – can ignore, by creating a massive and IMMEDIATE tidal wave of petitions, phone calls, and emails demanding they BACK OFF any plans they have to GUT your gun rights. But to really show Lindsey Graham and his gun-grabbing cohorts we mean business, we need you with us now more than ever. The fact is, these days, politicians -- and those who influence their decisions, not to mention those impacted by them -- pay significant attention to what’s happening online in the Internet world. There isn’t a single staffer or politician in all of Washington, D.C. who doesn’t have his or her head buried in their phones 24/7. That’s why Campaign for Liberty is counting on liberty-minded patriots like you to help ensure our targeted U.S. Senators and their staffs see Campaign for Liberty’s “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” ads everywhere they look on the Internet! Will you pitch in to help get these ads up everywhere with a generous contribution of $237, $143, $82 -- or even $61, $37, or $19 -- right away? When our ads go up, the politicians’ friends, families, and staffs will see posts like this plastered all over the web. And before long, the phones calls and petitions these ads generate will start pouring in to their congressional offices -- from there it won’t take long before many of them reverse course and publicly repudiate their schemes to gut your Second Amendment freedoms! To ensure we crank up the heat as much as possible, Dr. Paul has set a crucial benchmark to raise $145,629 by midnight on September 9 to fully implement Phase One of our targeted “Web Blitz!” That’s why Campaign for Liberty needs patriots like you to step up IMMEDIATELY so Lindsey Graham and his weak-kneed pals get the message . . . . . . Their plan to “do something” to “keep us safe” won’t work. The truth is, the moment the president and weak-kneed Republicans started making noise about “a deal” on these gun-grabbing schemes, they put EVERYTHING on the table. That’s why Democrats are now demanding Mandatory Gun Buybacks, Nationwide Gun Licensing (i.e. you don’t get one), and of course, re-imposing the Feinstein Gun Ban permanently. And with the president doubling down on so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders, establishment Republicans are expecting -- even demanding -- us to “fall in line.” Even politicians who habitually tell voters back home they “support the Second Amendment” seem to be tripping over one another to declare they’ve “got the solution” to “keep us safe.” But you and I know better. What they fail to understand is that caving to Democrats’ and the media elites’ demands on any of the anti-gun schemes they’ve been horse trading over will end in disaster. It’s the same misguided path they took after the 2018 Parkland, Florida murders. The fact is, they’re playing right into the anti-gun statists’ hands like they did then, when President Trump made Senator Dianne Feinstein downright giddy when he told Republicans to add parts of her so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban to Senators Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin’s Nationwide Gun Registration bill. Of course, that was a disaster for them in the 2018 mid-terms, but they don’t seem to have learned from it -- and they think it will be better to RAM even more monstrous gun control schemes down our throats. Their “deal” could include everything from bans on certain types of firearms and magazines to Nationwide Gun Registration and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and they’re even planning to bribe states with TAXPAYER CASH to get their way. ![]() ![]() So won’t you please consider helping plaster the web with ads like these in each of our targeted Senators’ home states? With your help, our plan will show them that if they vote to GUT your gun rights, it will be impossible for them to hide from the heat of liberty loving voters like you and me! But it’s going to take a significant influx of resources to meet the crucial benchmark of $145,629 by midnight on September 9 that Dr. Paul has set to fully implement Phase One of our targeted “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz!” Please pitch in with as generous a contribution as you can right away. – C4L Staff |