“Our region needs in-depth reporting that helps people understand the whys behind the headlines.”
—PublicSource member
Dear reader,
There is no paywall to be found at PublicSource. That is intentional. We believe that quality local journalism is a right, not a privilege. We know that the stories we cover matter to everyone in the Pittsburgh region, regardless of their ability to give.
But because we can’t do this work without community support, we ask for donations. When people give to PublicSource, we also ask them what prompted their support. Their responses often echo one another.
We hear these responses again and again. They demonstrate that our readers understand the value of our work—that investigative, inclusive, explanatory coverage and local stories they can’t find anywhere else matter to them.
Access to timely, relevant information has never been more critical than it is today, during an ongoing public health crisis, racial justice protests, an unprecedented election season and a recession. But the kind of journalism we offer takes considerable resources to produce.
Will you consider becoming a PublicSource member, or renewing your membership, with a gift of any amount today?
Mila Sanina
Executive Director