
President Trump just made an incredible pick to replace Justice Ginsburg on the high court:

Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
Judge Barrett is an originalist, like the late Justice Scalia. She’ll apply our laws and Constitution as they were written, instead of making up and rewriting the law to push a partisan political agenda like most liberal judges.

We don’t know when the Senate will vote to confirm Judge Barrett, but we know this- Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the corrupt mainstream media are going to do everything in their power to tear down Judge Barrett and steal this seat. 

Remember what they did to Justice Kavannaugh? They’re already stooping that low again: smearing Judge Barrett for her Christian faith, for adopting two of her children from Haiti, and for having a large family.
Speaker Pelosi said she could even impeach President Trump again, just for nominating a new justice. And Democrats are raising tens of millions of dollars promising to stop Judge Barrett, steal this seat and pack the court. 

If you back Judge Barrett, agree the Senate should put her on the bench right away, and want to help us fight these disgusting attacks, please chip in right now.

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