Breaking News: Trump has named his nominee to replace Ruth Bader
Ginsburg - one week after her death and, in an act of major
Republican hypocrisy, only a few weeks away from Election Day -
and it's even worse than we thought.
Amy Coney Barrett is an anti-choice, right-wing extremist who's
ready to dismantle our access to quality, affordable healthcare
as soon as Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, and the rest of the
GOP-led Senate confirms her.
We must fight back to protect our rights. Chip in
$10 now to help us raise the $50,000 we still need to reach
our final quarterly fundraising goal and force Trump and his
cronies out of power!
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This all comes after Trump refused to commit to a peaceful
transition of power if - and when - he loses.
Basically, Republicans are setting us up for a full on battle.
Every major step forward we've made to a more equal nation is now
in jeopardy. Electing more Democrats has never been more crucial.
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In solidarity,
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair
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