Biggs for

Congressman Biggs here, early voting in my District and Arizona starts in less than 3 weeks.

The entire election could come down to Arizona. That's why Democrats are spending millions to defeat me and President Trump. Pelosi even threatened to launch another unhinged impeachment trial.

I need to show President Trump we still have his back and that we'll stop the Democrats from stealing this seat and Arizona.

Please take our quick two question survey telling President Trump you have his back in the upcoming election.

Take the Official
>> 2020 Presidential Survey <<

Your input will also show the Leftist controlled media that we're ready to fight to keep Arizona in Republican hands.

After taking the survey, please chip in a couple of dollars to help me and President Trump keep Arizona red.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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