President Trump Made His Pick & Now the Work Begins

President Trump made his nomination and now it’s time for us to act!
President Trump has been very transparent with all Americans about the type of jurist he would select—one who will faithfully apply the law and protect the Constitution as written. In naming Seventh Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to our high Court, he continues to fulfill his promise to Americans.
Judge Barrett’s record not only demonstrates her faithfulness to interpret the law as written and as its authors intended it—but she has also written extensively about this concept, known as “originalism.” Her professional resume is stellar, leaving no question she is qualified for the position. Her personal life reveals a working mom of seven, including two adopted children and a child with Down Syndrome. And, she’s a woman of deep faith.
In fact, California Senator Dianne Feinstein attacked Judge Barrett for her faith in 2017, and Judge Barrett has already proven she can withstand the brutal attacks of the Senate confirmation process. Senator Feinstein meant it as an insult when she said to Judge Barrett about her faith that “the dogma lives loudly within you.” Yet for all of us who are believers, we want—and are called—to live out our faith in such a way that it’s recognizable to the world around us. Judge Barrett is about to face even more brutal attacks on her faith and reputation than she already has, and she will need her faith to sustain her.
In naming Judge Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee, President Trump has done his part to keep his promise to Americans. Now, the brutal Senate confirmation process will begin, with political shots being fired about the nominee within hours of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death—before Judge Barrett had even been named. We know the vote will be close.
The Left is scared of Judge Barrett because they know she won’t assist in their strategy to make sweeping changes to our laws and Constitution from the bench. And, she may even provide the vote needed on the Court to undo prior bad decisions that did “legislate from the bench,” leaving both legal and real life devastation in their wake—like Roe v. Wade.
Your help is urgently needed to convince the Senate to quickly confirm Judge Barrett as our next Supreme Court Justice. Will you please take 1 minute to send a letter to your Senators? We’ve made it easy through our Action Center.
For law and for life,

Autumn Leva Vice President of Strategy
P.S. Every Senator needs to know that the full weight of the American people is behind Judge Amy Coney Barrett—and that voters are watching every senator’s vote. Please email your senators now!