The president just announced his far-right nominee to replace RBG.

Moments ago, President Trump announced his nominee to replace the late great Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

While Justice Ginsburg championed gender equality, reproductive choice, LGBTQ rights, affordable health care, and so much more, her potential replacement stands staunchly against those same values and protections for Americans.

Only hours after Justice Ginsburg’s passing, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the disgraceful decision to announce his intention to rush Trump’s far-right nominee through the confirmation process — before voters can make their choice on Election Day.

If McConnell and Trump succeed, everything from the Affordable Care Act — which the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on just one week after the election — to Roe v. Wade, to marriage equality, to DACA, to gun violence reforms, and so much more are on the line.

And with Trump refusing to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election, in addition to admitting that he is counting on this nominee to rule in his favor in cases related to the election that might come before the Supreme Court, our democracy in and of itself is at risk.

Look, in 2016 when Justice Antonin Scalia passed away and President Obama nominated the respected and highly qualified Judge Merrick Garland to fill his vacancy, Republicans refused to even hold a single hearing to consider Garland’s nomination, claiming that it was wrong to appoint a Supreme Court justice during an election year before the American people could make their voices heard.

That principle is long gone for McConnell and other members of the Senate who have made it clear they’re more devoted to Trump and party interests than the best interests of the people they were elected to serve. 

It’s up to us to speak out, and speak now, before it’s too late. Will you add your name alongside mine in calling on Senators — both Democrat and Republican — to oppose a vote on Trump’s nominee before voters have made their voices heard and the next president is inaugurated?


Thank you for fighting by my side,
