Fellow American,
You spoke up, and President Trump heard you.
Just now President Trump announced that Judge Amy Coney Barrett — or, as I can’t help but call her on social media, #GloriousACB — is his nominee for the Supreme Court.
President Trump has done his part. He nominated a pro-family, pro-religious freedom, and pro-Constitution judge who will faithfully interpret the law according to our nation’s founding principles.
Now it’s time for us — We the People — to do ours.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Senate Democrats will stop at nothing to obstruct, delay, and try to destroy Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination.
The left knows that Judge Amy Coney Barrett will never give in to their outrageous, unconstitutional policies as they try to remake America into a socialist dystopia … and they will never forgive her for starting her career as a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative hero.
You and I have already seen the left — and the mainstream media that enables them — pull out all the stops to attack Amy Coney Barrett this week. And because they lack shame and decency, they’re even gone after her Catholic faith and her adopted children.
Senate Democrats don’t want to vote on President Trump’s nominee, and many on the left would love nothing more than to see Amy Coney Barrett destroyed, professionally and personally.
That’s why you and I must speak up right now and show our support for Amy Coney Barrett.
Fellow American, you and I have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to ensure a pro-family, pro-faith, and pro-Constitution justice is appointed to the Supreme Court and to secure President Trump’s first-term legacy of judicial appointments.
But with November 3rd just 38 days away, we must act now and make sure the Senate gets to work immediately — or we risk handing over the Supreme Court to the radical, anti-family, anti-Constitution left for good.
Thank you. Terry Schilling Executive Director American Principles Project
2800 Shirlington Road, Suite 1201
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