From Team Moran <[email protected]>
Subject We Have Less Than 5 Days
Date September 26, 2020 9:30 PM
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We wouldn't ask for your help if it wasn't urgent.

We have less than 5 DAYS to reach our fundraising goal, but we can get there with your help! Please consider donating any amount to Team Moran today to keep us on track. [[link removed]]

WILL YOU STAND WITH JERRY? donate $10 now [[link removed]] donate $25 NOW [[link removed]] DONATE $50 NOW [[link removed]] DONATE $100 NOW [[link removed]] DONATE ANY AMOUNT NOW [[link removed]]

Remember, we only have until 11:59PM on Wednesday, September 30th to reach our goal. Don't let the timer run out without giving a donation! [[link removed]]

We appreciate you,

Team Moran

Paid for by Moran for Kansas, Inc. UNSUBSCRIBE [link removed]
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