Donald Trump just nominated a successor to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- and Mitch McConnell and his Senate are now preparing to vote to approve Trump’s pick.
In March 2016, President Obama tried to appoint Merrick Garland to fill an open seat on the court, but McConnell refused to hold a vote in the Senate with the election process “just” 9 months away. Now, with just weeks to go until November 3, McConnell is blatantly ignoring the will of the people to push Trump’s third nominee through.
Make no mistake: This nomination puts far too many of our rights on the chopping block, and you have every reason to be concerned. Reproductive freedoms, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change action, and our health care are all on the line. Simply put, our courts will be stacked against us for an entire generation.
We cannot allow Donald Trump and his far-right allies, including my opponent, to gain any more ground this year.
We MUST deliver the GOP a crushing defeat on November 3. 
That’s why today I am asking you to support our efforts to motivate tens of thousands of voters to the polls, so we can oust Trump and send a message -- loud and clear -- that we reject this nomination to the Supreme Court. 
I need you with me now.
Mary Gay
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
