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Have you heard the news?

President Trump nominated an excellent Constitutional conservative to serve on the Supreme Court, and we can’t miss our chance to confirm her.

It’s a fellow Hoosier – Amy Coney Barrett! Judge Barrett calls South Bend home and is a professor at Notre Dame. President Trump nominated her to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017 and she was confirmed with a bipartisan majority in the Senate.   

Barrett brings a clear record of interpreting the Constitution as written, not as a judicial activist legislating from the bench. 

That’s the way it should be — the way our Founding Fathers intended it to be.

Over the coming weeks, she will undoubtedly be the victim of a relentless and unfounded smear campaign from radical leftist Democrats, but the Indiana Republican Party remains steadfast in our support of President Trump’s pick. 

President Trump has fulfilled his constitutional obligation to fill a Supreme Court vacancy and Hoosiers can rest assured that their senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, will do their duty as well. 

Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the Supreme Court will cement a constructionist majority for years to come. One that will follow the laws set forth in our Constitution, as written

Of course, the liberals are not happy, and are doing everything in their power to convince the Senate not to confirm Judge Barrett. The radical left is even threatening to pack the court, abolish the electoral college, add states to the union, and even impeach the President again if they ever return to power! 

To help Judge Barrett, I’m asking every single patriot to contribute now and help us defend her! 

Let the United States Senate know that we MUST confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett NOW!

Rush your support for fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett!

Please be a part of history and show your support for the Constitution and America. Click to contribute today

Thanks for your support, 

Kyle Hupfer
Chairman, Indiana GOP

Rush your support for fellow Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett!
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