It's never been more important to elect Democrats at every level of government, and Elizabeth of course has a plan for that. Her campaign is helping organize at the grassroots level for candidates acr
Elizabeth Warren is one hell of a fighter.
I'm honored to serve by her side in the United States Senate, and I'm proud to call her a friend.
Every time we talk, I'm even more energized and inspired to keep up the fight. And right now, we all need as much energy and inspiration as we can get. So I thought you might like to join one of those conversations with me and Elizabeth.
It's never been more important to elect Democrats at every level of government, and Elizabeth of course has a plan for that. Her campaign is helping organize at the grassroots level for candidates across the country who know that we need bold changes to put power in the hands of the people.
Everything is on the line this November. But we don't agonize — we organize. If we fight like never before, we will win like never before.
I'm grateful to be in this fight alongside Elizabeth — and alongside you. So I hope you'll be able to join me and Elizabeth next Tuesday night.