Dear Friends,
After kicking off in Los Angeles and continuing in Houston, our "Radical Diversity" virtual discussion series goes on to Seattle on October 7. This time, the topic is liminality and safer spaces for artists, activists, and communities in gentrified neighborhoods. After "Radical Diversity: Seattle," join us October 8 and 9 for the launch of our region-wide project Shaping the Past – a collaboration with the Monument Lab in Philadelphia, which examines many facets of memory culture and memorialization in public space.
Following the Town Hall launch of Shaping the Past, Goethe-Instituts across the USA, Canada, and Mexico will participate in Memory Month: an extended virtual and in-person program series highlighting and discussing ongoing critical memory interventions in sites and spaces, and in particular, monuments, in North America and Germany. The program features Monument Lab transnational Fellows, as well as prominent international voices in the field.
The (Digital) WanderbUS is back, and hits the virtual road on September 29! The WanderbUS features a 3D space where students can dive into a variety of topics, from politics to science, from German history to culture. Check out how American and German students can "meet" virtually in the bus to learn about current topics, culture, and other matters pertaining to the USA and Germany.
If you want to demonstrate your German aptitude in seeking a new career or education path for yourself, obtaining an internationally-recognize Goethe-Institut certificate of German ability is a great way to do so. Fall 2020 exam registration is open now.