The future of the Supreme Court is on the ballot in November, friend.
Right now, the Senate is our last line of defense against Donald Trump stacking the Supreme Court with a 6-3 conservative majority. We need strong leaders like Mark Warner who are willing to fight to prevent the President from ramming a nominee through before Election Day — against the express wishes of both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the American people.
Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump are trying to push their Supreme Court nominee through just weeks before the election, breaking the precedent their own party set in 2016.
And if we do succeed in pushing the vote until after Election Day, we need Mark’s vote in the Senate on the eventual nominee. Mark’s GOP opponent has already promised he’ll be a rubber stamp for whoever Trump chooses — he made that promise without even knowing the nominee.
Virginians deserve more than a rubber stamp, and America deserves more than Trump’s plot to push through a nominee in the last days before the election.
Contribute today if you can. Help Mark Warner remain in the Senate, fighting for us and our democracy.
Thank you,
Team Warner