Here’s the bottom line, folks —

Four years ago, Mitch McConnell and his allies made up a rule that the Senate can’t vote on a Supreme Court nominee eight months before an election — a rule they now intend to break by ramming through a nomination just days before Election Day, when hundreds of thousands of Montanans will have already voted.

There isn’t a separate set of rules for Republicans and Democrats — we should follow the precedent McConnell set and fill this vacancy when the next President and Senate are sworn in, regardless of who wins.

That’s why I’m asking you to sign my urgent petition demanding Trump and McConnell not advance any Supreme Court nominee before the next President is inaugurated. This is important.


A lot of my Republican colleagues have made their positions clear over the last few years: no confirmation vote right before an election.

Now, they are hearing from corporate donors telling them to go back on their word and ram through a Justice who will allow the sale of public lands, overturn Roe v. Wade, and set the country back generations.

We cannot let them.

Thank you,
