It's clear that climate change is not a distant challenge -- and the time to act is now. And while the Trump Administration is focused on science denial and inaction, there is work happening all across America and around the world to protect our planet.
We wanted to show you three examples of important progress that happened in recent weeks -- and we want you to help us share the hopeful news. We've highlighted some of the most important points below. Just click on the highlighted text and the social media buttons below to share with your networks.
Beyond Coal: 60% of U.S. coal-fired plants are now retired. And we're on track to close 100% by 2030.
Last week Bloomberg Philanthropies joined the Sierra Club to announce that the Beyond Coal campaign has successfully retired 60% of U.S. coal-fired power plants -- 318 out of 530 plants. (SHARE:
In addition to the climate benefits, closing coal plants is an important part of the fight for environmental justice. In America, nearly seven in 10 Black Americans live within 30 miles of a coal-fired power plant -- creating disproportionate health impacts. (SHARE:
America's Pledge: Non-federal leadership has kept the U.S. on a path toward climate progress.
Last week, America's Pledge released an analysis showing that -- despite Trump's environmental rollbacks, the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic downturn -- U.S. cities, states, and businesses are accelerating progress against climate change. (SHARE:
) While federal climate intervention is urgently needed, non-federal actors have successfully counterbalanced Trump's denial and obstruction -- so far. With aggressive post-election federal re-engagement, the U.S. can still slash emissions in half by 2030, in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
Read the report and spread the word about this critical climate progress.(SHARE:
Race to Zero: Business and local government commitments to net-zero emissions have doubled in less than a year
Mike helped kick off Climate Week NYC during a high-level event with the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, which announced that net-zero commitments from local governments and businesses have doubled in less than a year. (SHARE:
The news is especially important given the rebuilding challenges cities and businesses are facing in response to COVID-19.
By closing down coal plants, mobilizing bottom-up action on climate, and committing to net-zero emissions, we're making real progress -- even under enormously challenging circumstances. But we have to keep pushing for climate leadership at all levels.
We hope you'll take a moment to share this hopeful news. Learn more about Bloomberg Philanthropies' Environment programs, America's Pledge, Beyond Coal, and the UN Race to Zero campaign.
Bloomberg Philanthropies