This week at CBPP, we focused on poverty and inequality, food assistance, health, state budgets and taxes, and the economy.
* On poverty and inequality, Joseph Llobrera, Alicia Mazzara, Catlin Nchako, Arloc Sherman, and Claire Zippel analyzed new data showing millions of Americans are struggling to eat and pay rent ([link removed]) .
* On food assistance, Brynne Keith-Jennings urged policymakers to take action to help the millions of families not getting enough to eat ([link removed]) . We also updated our fact sheet explaining how states are using new flexibility in SNAP ([link removed]) to respond to COVID-19 challenges.
* On health, Aviva Aron-Dine testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health on how the Affordable Care Act has been a health care lifeline ([link removed]) during the COVID-19 pandemic and recession.
* On state budgets and taxes, Samantha Waxman suggested that states should raise taxes on wealthy people in response to budget shortfalls ([link removed]) caused by the pandemic.
* On the economy, we updated our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available ([link removed]) .
Chart of the Week — High-Wage Workers Have Recovered Most Lost Jobs, But Low-Wage Job Losses Persist ([link removed])
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A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
Obamacare lawsuit heading to Supreme Court would slash taxes for top 0.1% ([link removed])
September 25, 2020
Thousands of Ohioans struggle to put food on table during pandemic ([link removed])
Columbus Dispatch
September 25, 2020
Disaster on the Horizon for the Long-Term Unemployed ([link removed])
American Prospect
September 24, 2020
We can end America’s unemployment nightmare ([link removed])
September 23, 2020
State and local budgets face a pandemic-related meltdown. Why won’t Republicans help? ([link removed])
Los Angeles Times
September 23, 2020
Thanks to Trump’s actions, millions lose health coverage ([link removed])
Washington Post
September 22, 2020
Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts — follow us on Twitter ([link removed]) , Facebook ([link removed]) , and Instagram ([link removed]) .
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