Hi John,
Today is #WorldContraceptionDay!
We find it pretty ridiculous that you can waltz into your local drugstore or pharmacy and easily grab Advil and Tylenol for that headache— but when it comes to taking care of your sexual health, you can’t access birth control over the counter... 🤔
If you’d like to help raise awareness of different contraception methods, and build a future where the birth control pill is as easy to access as condoms, join us by sharing these resources on social media today:
Can your astrological symbol predict your birth control method? That’s right, we went there with this Instagram post. If we got it just right (or if we’re way off, but you laughed anyway), tap the paper airplane to share this Instagram post in your story, then tag a friend in the comments.
Young people want to #FreeThePill! This week, our friends at Sustain shared this conversation with two of our #FreeThePill Youth Council members, Jada, 20, and Jenny, 21, about why they are working in their communities to bring birth control over-the-counter, covered by insurance with no age-restriction. Go here to give it a like, comment and share it to your Instagram Story.
- The pill is one of the safest and best studied medications on the market! That’s what Dr. Tracey A. Wilkinson and #FreeThePill council member Sarah Michal Hamid discussed in the latest AMAZE Live!
Emergency contraception, like Plan B, used to only be available with a prescription as well. It’s only available over-the-counter today because people organized, educated their community, and demanded it.
You can be a part of that educating and organizing today! Thank you so much for any sharing you can do, and (*spoiler alert*) be sure to keep an eye on @MonaChalabi’s Instagram account here for one more #FreeThePill illustration coming later today that we’re really excited for you to see. (That’s all we’ll say for now!)
All the best,
Becca Thimmesch
Free The Pill Youth Campaign Manager
Advocates for Youth
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