
Tens of millions of people have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic, causing incredible financial stress for families throughout our country. Making those job losses even worse, EPI research has revealed that roughly 12 million workers and their family members have likely lost the health insurance that was connected to their job.
In order to address the deep challenges we face as a nation, we need real structural change.
When I’m crafting policies and legislation to create an economy that works for everyone, I turn to EPI’s economists. EPI is an essential partner in our fight for racial, social and economic justice—providing critical research and data to fight for working people.
Friend, for more than 30 years, EPI has been fighting for working families, livable wages and strong labor unions. Can you chip in $5 or more today to power EPI's critical research to fight for the rights and wages of all working people?
Right now, we are seeing a failure of leadership at the very highest levels. While many families face hunger and eviction from their homes, the Trump administration and Senate Republicans refuse to provide real relief.
Seeing people forced from their homes makes me sick. Every eviction of struggling families is a failure by our government. The new CDC order, which puts a temporary hold on evictions, isn't nearly enough. For starters, we must pass legislation to protect renters from eviction and fees and provide direct rental assistance. Otherwise, we're just delaying an eviction crisis until the winter months.

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the racial disparities that have plagued our country since its inception. The United States can no longer ignore how centuries of structural racism have created deep disparities in health and economic outcomes for Black and Brown communities.
That’s why, in response to police violence against Black Americans, countless people have taken to the streets to demand racial and economic justice. To demand an end to police violence. To demand that we eliminate the systemic racism that is embedded throughout our society.
EPI research shows that since the pandemic struck, Black and Latinx communities have experienced higher levels of job loss than white workers—with Black and Brown women experiencing the greatest hardship, including lower wages than their white colleagues.
It is time we start treating structural racism like we would treat any other public health problem or disease: investing in research into its symptoms and causes and finding ways to mitigate its effects.
That’s why I’ve introduced legislation that would create a "National Center for Anti-Racism" at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to declare racism as the public health crisis that it is. This bill would take a public health approach to combating police brutality and violence by creating a dedicated law enforcement violence prevention program at the CDC.
Together, we need to change the course of our country. We need to end the systemic racial inequality far too many generations of Black and Brown Americans have been forced to endure. EPI is a critical ally in our battle for racial, social and economic justice. Can you chip in $5 or more today to power EPI's research that plays such a valuable role for both activists and policy makers fighting for progressive economic change?
I have always counted on EPI as an essential ally. If you can, please help support the research behind our movement for progressive economic change.
Thanks for being a part of this,
Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator

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