Important updates from Brady


We the people should decide the next Supreme Court nominee, John, not President Trump. 

Already, Trump has stacked the Supreme Court with two NRA picks. Now, he's trying to rush a third after the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But the NRA has already handpicked their Justices. First, with Neil Gorsuch's seat, then with Brett Kavanaugh's seat. And these justices have already indicated they want to expand the Second Amendment.

A third NRA-bought, Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justice would put every single common-sense gun law in America under threat of being rolled back.

We believe the Supreme Court is #OurCourt. On Election Day, the American people will choose the next president — and that president must be allowed to pick our next Supreme Court Justice. That's what a fair democracy means — that we, the people, get to decide. 

John, we must fight back for our safety and the future of our country. Visit our new webpage to learn more about what's at stake and how you can join us in fighting back against this undemocratic threat to all Americans.


Brady Condemns Lack of Action in the Investigation into Breonna Taylor's Killing 

Following the murder of Breonna Taylor, we called for justice and full accountability in the investigation of her death. Yet this week, the Grand Jury responsible for reviewing her case did just the opposite. The charges announced are for shots fired into neighboring apartments, not those that killed Breonna in her own bed.

We must be clear: this is not what accountability looks like. Failing to hold anyone accountable for the senseless murder of Breonna Yatlor suggests her life does not matter. But we know it does. She was a daughter, a sister, a mentor, and so much more. We will not allow this terrible decision to be the final chapter in this fight for justice. 


Watch Our Virtual Conference “Leading the Movement to Prevent Gun Violence," Hosted by Brady California
This week, Brady California hosted its annual conference — virtually! National experts and grassroots leaders from Brady, elected officials, and survivors of gun violence spoke powerfully about solutions to gun violence. With sessions on racial justice, California legislation, lobbying 101, and more, panelists from all backgrounds provided a detailed roadmap to create lasting social and policy change in communities across the country.
Want to hear from national experts and grassroots leaders who've led in the movement to prevent gun violence? Watch the opening remarks of the conference by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and each archived video session throughout the week with resources and more. 
Brady Legal Files Landmark Lawsuit Against Michigan-based Gun Dealer
This week, Brady Legal filed a first-of-its-kind wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a mother in Michigan against Total Firearms — a gun store with a shooting range — following the fatal shooting that killed her 25-year-old daughter, Duncan. This is the first case against a firearms facility with a gun range arising from a murder.

Our lawsuit accuses Total Firearms, its owners, and employees of negligence and unlawful conduct for failing to take proper safety measures. Total Firearms rented two semi-automatic firearms to a prohibited purchaser and allowed him to leave the facility with one Glock. Less than an hour after leaving the gun facility, the prohibited purchaser killed his ex-girlfriend, Duncan, who previously obtained a Personal Protective Order (PPO) against him.

Brady Legal’s landmark lawsuit seeks to hold Total Firearms accountable for their irresponsible and unlawful act of putting guns into the hands of a man who should never have had access. Sign up for the Brady Legal newsletter for updates on this case.

ICYMI: Watch Our Virtual Event — "Addressing Youth Suicide in America"
This week, we convened experts from communities impacted by youth suicide, including representatives from Team ENOUGH, The Trevor Project, The TRIGGER Project, the American Association of Suicidology, and the United Indian Health Services. Panelists addressed the rising rates of suicide among youth, which is the second leading cause among ages 15-19, and how it uniquely impacts Black, LGBTQ, and indigenous youth.

Register For "The Fight to Fix Our Broken Senate," a Virtual Event Featuring Brady Vice President Christian Heyne

Gun violence is a national emergency in America. But time and again, the filibuster prevents Congress from passing laws that will save lives. The cost of this inaction is lethal. Nearly 40,000 Americans die every single year because of Congress' inability to pass laws that will prevent gun violence. 

It is clearer than ever that the U.S. Senate is badly broken and needs to be fixed. The time is now for the Senate to end the filibuster to fix our democracy.

That's why we're joining Senators Elizabeth Warren and Jeff Merkley and advocates from across the country for a virtual event on Wednesday, September 30, at 8 p.m. ET. We can only make progress on the issues that matter most by eliminating the filibuster.

Brady Donor of the Week: Jack Lowe
Jack and his wife, Mary Lowe, have been Brady supporters for 10 years, drawn to an organization that leads with common-sense solutions that unite gun owners and non-gun owners alike. A former gun-owner and hunter, Jack knows that certain guns – like the AR-15 – don’t belong in civilian hands.
Jack is also passionate about Brady’s End Family Fire campaign, which seeks to educate gun owners about safe gun storage as a means to prevent firearm suicide. Jack knows the pain of firearm suicide all too well, having lost a close family member just last year.
At Rice University, Jack studied Electrical Engineering, and describes himself as a “science-oriented” person, who thinks gun violence needs to be studied as a public health crisis using science and data. Jack said, “If we pay attention to the science, I know we can get to the bottom of this problem and cut gun deaths.”
"Justice was Not Served:" Brady Condemns Lack of Action in the Investigation into Breonna Taylor's Killing, Brady

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Injects New Urgency into Second Amendment Debate Amid Supreme Court Battle, USA Today

Ohio Senate Passes NRA-Backed Bill Banning Closure of Gun Stores, even in Pandemic, Columbus Dispatch

Local Organization Addresses Spike in Duluth Gun Violence, KBJR

Brady joins all Americans in mourning the loss of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was a pioneer for many issues in America, including gun violence prevention. As a lawyer and a judge, she fought tirelessly to make our founding principles of equality and justice achievable for all Americans. She knew each and every America deserved the right to live safely and freely by enacting strong, common-sense gun laws. It's now our responsibility to continue her legacy by making our voices heard and urging our senators to fight for us

We must honor RBG, but Trump wants to fill her seat with an NRA-backed extremist. Join @bradybuzz to act now — call your senators at 855-867-4904 and tell them the people should decide: no confirmation until after inauguration! #EndGunViolence 
“We have marched for months, calling for all officers who are responsible for Breonna Taylor’s murder to be held to account. The Grand Jury’s decision today has not done so at all, and that is unacceptable. The violence against Breonna Taylor and the violence against Black communities at the hands of police is not an accident. We need systemic and structural change to stop the killings of Black people - especially Black women such as Breonna Taylor. This decision only underscores how much more work needs to be done and how broad that change must be. It is a slap in the face that apartment walls can receive more justice than the life of a Black woman.”
     —Team Enough Executive Council Member Aalayah Eastmond

Our work is made possible by grassroots donors like you. Thank you for being a Brady supporter and joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.


Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction. We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
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Suite 400
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