Dear Friend,

Today is the UN's International Day for the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. The UN is mobilizing internationally to achieve the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.

Days like this exist in large part because of groups like CND. We have been working towards this goal since our foundation in 1958, putting pressure on governments and helping to raise public awareness of the terrible dangers of nuclear weapons.

You can help strengthen our movement further, and increase the power of our collective voice, by becoming a member of CND today.
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There is a very positive development coming up soon. In the next few months The UN's Treaty on The Prohibtion of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will enter into force and become international law. It needs to be ratified by 50 countries, and the count now stands at 45, with more soon to follow.

This treaty is a real victory for grassroots campaigning like ours, and will help generate international momentum towarrds global nuclear abolition. And this is down to the support and work of our members.

You can help us generate even more momentum: become a member of CND, and together we can work towards the day in which all nuclear weapons are abolished for good.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary

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