Breaking news, John:

Carolyn Long just received her biggest endorsement yet: President Barack Obama!

Today, President Obama announced his endorsement of Carolyn and a number of other Democrats with this message:

“I’m proud to endorse these outstanding Democratic candidates who will work to get the virus under control, rebuild the economy and the middle class, and protect Americans’ health care and preexisting conditions protections.”

Carolyn is honored to have President Obama’s endorsement, and she’s ready to bring family-wage jobs to Southwest Washington, prioritize public health, and expand access to affordable health care.

Join President Obama in supporting Carolyn for Congress in Washington’s 3rd district: Pitch in $10 or more today to help us reach our goal before our final FEC end-of-quarter deadline this Wednesday!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Carolyn Long will go through immediately:

Let’s do everything we can these next 39 days to Flip the 3rd and send Carolyn to fight for us in Congress.

— Team Long