Government Policies To Blame For California Forest Mega Fires By John Stossel
For years, they and environmentalists increased the risk of big fires by opposing the thinning of forests. Megafires could have been avoided if forests had just been better managed.
How We Know: Epistemology on an Objectivist Foundation By Harry Binswanger By Alex Bleier
How We Know: Epistemology on an Objectivist Foundation, by Harry Binswanger, is both an in-depth presentation of Ayn Rand's "Objectivist" theory of knowledge and Binswanger's own answers to issues that Rand did not write on, such as, propositions and validation.
The Curse of Automation By Frédéric Bastiat
"A curse on machines! Every year, their increasing power devotes millions of workmen to pauperism, by depriving them of work, and therefore of wages and bread. A curse on machines!"
The Importance of the Middleman By Frédéric Bastiat
They would gladly suppress the capitalist, the banker, the speculator, the projector, the merchant, and the trader, accusing them of interposing between production and consumption, to extort from both, without giving either anything in return.
The Loss To The Economy From Public Works By Frédéric Bastiat
The State opens a road, builds a palace, straightens a street, cuts a canal; and so gives work to certain workmen — this is what is seen: but it deprives certain other workmen of work, and this is what is not seen.